Our supporting organisations

Several organisations are contributing expertise and on-ground delivery in business, agriculture and community development. Ethical Harvest has enlisted the help of a range of organisations in the development, approval and implementation of projects.

BioAust Health

BioAust Health has assisted us to establish a project in the Philippines. They have undertaken the project to develop a sustainable commercial supply of raw material for their product development. They have provided both expert assistance on establishing an agricultural program and a contract to purchase the outputs.

Intelligent Effort

Intelligent Effort provides Australian and Philippine government liaison and makes representations and applications to various Government agencies.

Noble Endeavours

Noble Endeavours works closely with Ethical Harvest to provide project leadership and brings significant experience in delivering community development plans in the Philippines.

Bethesda Ministries International

Bethesda Ministries International is our local in-country partner in delivering the community development program in the Philippines and liaises with local government to establish and build relationships.

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